
For urgent inquiries, please contact the Elections CEO at elections@seuo-uosu.com.

By-Elections 2024

September to October 2024

Notice of By-Elections

The UOSU 2024 By-Elections voting period will take place from Wednesday, October 8th to Sunday, October 12th. Our By-Elections are held to fill vacant positions for the UOSU Board of Directors. This includes filling vacant Director and Executive positions. We also host the elections for the undergraduate student representatives on the University of Ottawa Board of Governors and Senate

In-Person Voting

The Elections Committee is committed to fostering an open democratic election and will be piloting the use of in-person voting booths during the Voting Period for the 2024 By-Elections. More information regarding in-person voting locations and requirements will be advertised at a later date.

Get Involved, Run Today

It’s now time to elect students to fill positions on the UOSU Executive Committee and the UOSU Board of Directors. It is important to keep yourself informed as a voter throughout the general elections; continue consulting this website as more information becomes available!

Interested in running for a vacant position in the upcoming general elections? File your candidacy today!

Please view the important dates below.

Send your candidacy forms to the Chief Electoral Officer: elections@seuo-uosu.com

If you have any general questions, please email to: elections@seuo-uosu.com

Important Documents

Available Positions and Important Dates

UOSU Executive Committee

The Executive Committee comprises seven (7) Commissioners who manage the day-to-day activities of the UOSU and oversee its operations. This is a paid, full-time position. Commissioners must be part-time students unless they are international students or enrolled in a faculty that does not permit part-time studies.

Term ending: April 30, 2025

  • Operations Commissioner
  • Communications Commissioner
  • Advocacy Commissioner
  • Student Life Commissioner

UOSU Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) is a body of elected students who represent their respective faculties in the affairs of the UOSU. They are tasked with voting on motions, amending the Constitution, attending every monthly and emergency Board meeting, and overseeing the financials of the Union.

Term ending: April 30, 2025

  • Faculty of Science (3)
  • Telfer School of Management (1)
  • Faculty of Arts (1)
  • Faculty of Medicine (1)
  • Faculty of Civil Law (1)
  • Faculty of Education (1)

uOttawa Board of Governors

No vacant positions.

uOttawa Senate

Term ending: April 30, 2025

  • Faculty of Education (1)
  • Faculty of Health Sciences (1)
  • Faculty of Engineering (1)

Important Dates

Nomination Period: September 5th to September 25th

Candidate Training: September 26th and 27th

Campaign Period: September 28th to October 7th

Voting Period: October 8th to October 12th

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious to know how our elections process will go, what positions are up for election, and what responsibilities fall under each? Check out our answers below!

How will decisions be made in the Elections? Who is running them?

The UOSU’s elections are overseen by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) and the Elections Committee. They are responsible for handling complaints by candidates and applying any sanctions if required. Students may appeal sanctions handed down by the Chief Electoral Officer to the Elections Committee, and may further appeal to the Appeals Committee. Please consult the Constitution and the Electoral Code, or email elections@seuo-uosu.com for more information.

What happens if there are positions left vacant after the elections?

All vacant positions on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (BoD) will be filled by interim positions until the next General Election in accordance with the Canada Not-For-Profit Act; the Board of Directors will have the power to appoint interim Executive Committee members and interim Directors to fill these vacancies.

Can the Board and Executive Committee still operate even if there are vacant positions?

Yes. Vacancies do not hinder the Board’s ability to pass binding motions, and any vacant Executive positions can be filled by an interim member until the Fall By-Elections take place.

What is the Senate?

The Senate is the highest authority on academic matters and is responsible for the sound management of academic issues on campus. The Senate has the power, subject to the approval of the Board insofar as the expenditure of funds is concerned, to create, maintain, and discontinue faculties, departments, schools and to establish chairs. It enacts by-laws and regulations for the conduct of its affairs.

In general, the Senate controls, regulates, and determines the educational and research policies of the University; determines courses of study and standards for admission to, and continued membership in, the University; and determines the qualifications for degrees and diplomas.

Please consult the Senate’s website for further information.